January 31, 2012

Awards, Awards, Awards (I'm late!)

I got a few awards the past few weeks and it's time to post them. While writing down who gave me what award and what the rules were I found out that most of them are the same... So I'm combining some things and try to make this short.
I found that the old Butterfly Award picture looked a bit too old, so I decided to make another one :P

I got tagged by the following people:
Bebe from A Sleepy Beauty
Shannara from Nails And Stuff
Maria from Maria's Nail Polish Blog
Charlotte from Charlotte's Nails
Jenni from Gold Speck Nails
Carol from Nails By Carol

With some awards you need to share 7 random facts about yourself, some have some questions for you to answer.

7 Random facts about me

1. I turn on the light in my room with my eyes closed. Today I forgot and the light bulb popped...
2. I love horror movies!
3. I like the number 2
4. I'm really lazy
5. I sleep with socks, because my feet get really dry from the water and I hate the feeling of them touching each other...
6. I also hate the feeling of a newspaper. Especially when my hands are dry from water.
7. When I come home I immediately put on my pj's. So comfy! :D

Questions from the Kreativ Blogger Award and Best Blog Award

1. Favorite color?
- Probably pink

2. Name your favorite song.
- Daniel Merriweather - Impossible

3. Name your favorite dessert.
- As long as it tastes good it's fine with me :)

4. What ticks me off?
- People who think they know it better, but find out they're wrong and try to make it look like they were making a good point anyway.

5. When I'm upset I...
(Don't judge me for this...) I become pretty mean. I try to look for things to make other people (my mom and brother) feel bad too. But I got that under control now :P

6. What's your favorite pet?
- Cats and dogs

7. Black or white?
- Black

8. What is your biggest fear?
- Getting an accident and nobody helps and just staring at you like; just get up...

9. Your best feature is...?
- My eyes?

10. Everyday attitude?
- Just smile :)

11. What is perfection?
- Not realistic

12. Guilty pleasure?
- Chocolate

Questions from the I Love Your Blog Award

1. What is your favorite fashion magazine?
- I don't read fashion magazines.

2. Who is your favorite singer/band?
- So many.... Lady Gaga, Fall Out Boy, Katy Perry, YTF

3. Who is your favorite YouTube guru?
- I used to watch YouTube guru's months ago, but now I just have other interests. I really liked JLovesMac1 :)

4. What is your favorite make-up product?
- Nail polish. That is make-up!

5. Where would you like to live?
- America... Or England... :D

6. What is your favorite movie?
- Ugh, I have so many! xD 500 Days Of Summer, Inception, The Hangover, Triangle, King Kong, Pirates Of The Carribean and definitely a lot more!

7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
- 2... My feet are pretty wide and 'high', and shoes aren't made for my kind of feet. 

8. What is your favorite color?
- Still pink xD

Now I have to pass this award on to 5-15 blogs... You probably know how lazy I am with this. But since these awards are so the same, I don't really feel like picking people for these. But, if you haven't received 1 or all of them yet, feel free to put it on your blog :)

I haven't done all awards yet, because I forgot 1 and the other one is an award I really want to tag some people for.

If you want to know the rules that go with any of the awards you can just Google them :)

xoxo Ingie

January 30, 2012

Valentine Nails; Love, Love, Love

I don't know how about you, but I don't have a Valentine... :( But, I don't mind! I can still enjoy this day with everything in heart shapes and cute chocolate boxes in stores.

For this manicure I decided to have do an accent nail on my ringfinger, but if I would wear this out, I would also have my thumb red. At the moment I'm not wearing nail polish for a few weeks to get them healthy :)

I only used 2 colors in this manicure. The red is Ruby Deer and the white is Snow, both from China Glaze. I used image plate SdP-35 that I ordered a few months ago from dashicabeautyshop.nl for € 3,80

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Ingie

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January 29, 2012

Stamping: Starry Night

I didn't really know what to do for today's post. When going through my image plates I thought I wanted to try the stars. Cause I never did before :P For my base color I used my Franken Underground Candyshop and for the yellow stars I used Almost Famous from Color Club.

I'm still proud of this Franken... :) Almost Famous stamped better over a dark color than expected. Some stars have some gaps, because they some pieces just wouldn't get on the stamper.

While I was doing my nails I kept singing; Catch a falling star and put it in my pocket xD I heard that song for the first time in The Princess Diaries :P

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Ingie

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January 28, 2012

China Glaze - TMI

This week I was lucky enough to find a bottle of TMI from China Glaze's OMG collection! I got it from Enchantra.com (Dutch webshop). I checked the site so many times because in the hologram section it showed TMI and GR8 all the time. GR8 has been available since I started checking it, but TMI was sold out. But Monday they had TMI and it was the last one :D
TMI is not as pink as these pictures show. It's more of a combination of orange and pink. It doesn't dry shiny, but not too matte either. The holographic effect is very subtle, but I believe that out in the sun you can see a lot more.

Overall I'm not too excited about this polish. Probably because I expected more holo going on :P BUT, I haven't seen this polish out in the sun yet, so maybe I might change my opinion xD

Oh, and I was able to capture the colorful glitters in O.P.I. Excuse Moi. At first I really didn't see those glitters, but in different lighting it was visible.

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Ingie

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January 27, 2012

Coming soon... or not ;p

I'm still not a 100% sure, but I really want to do this again. On my old blog I didn't make it until the end, and I don't know if I will now, but I'll try my best :)

I know pretty much everybody has done this already, but if you're gonna do this challenge too, let me know :)

Starting February 1st!

January 25, 2012

Color Club - Love 'Em Leave 'Em

Hello! Today I'm showing you the last polish from the holographic polishes I own from Color Club. Previously I showed you Fashion Addict! (not the best swatch) Worth The Risque and Revvvolution. These pictures were taken when I still had some nails left :P 

Love 'Em Leave 'Em is a nude holographic polish and great for every occasion. When you're not aloud to wear a bright polish at work this one is great! The holographic effect is very subtle, but still noticeable.

The weirdest question I must have asked since starting blogging, but where does it seem like where I take my pictures? :P I would like to know if there is anything I could do different when it comes to my pictures or that they are just fine :)

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Ingie

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January 24, 2012

BeYu - Brilliant Shiraz

A new way of showing my swatches? The Ivana Thinks Pink way :P It kinda happened by accident, but I like this way better, because my nails look less sad.

Anyway, I got my Unicorn Pee's long lost sister! Unicorn Pee = Clarins 230 :) I never really go shopping, because I get in a bad mood, but a few weeks ago I went lunching with a friend and I dragged her into Douglas. But my Douglas didn't sell BeYu polishes. Months ago I started stalking the site, seeing if they had BeYu 209, but I gave up. Last week I got a late birthday present from work; a €30,00 gift card for Douglas and thank the lord I could spend it online. Not thinking it would happen I checked it they had BeYu 209 and they had it! :O I ordered 2 bottles and those were also the last :P

I don't know who came up with it, but this polish looks amazing over a blue polish. On it's own it looks kinda fugly in my opinion. There's hardly a way for me to describe this polish. In the bottle it looks shimmery orange/brown. When you open it, it's kinda pink. Depending on the lighting it's green, blue and yellow. And on the nails, over a blue, it just looks amazing! Let the pictures speak...

I did my nails a few hours before I went to bed. When I woke up it was all looking good, but after my shower this is what I saw! I decided to fix it, but later it started to peel off really weird.

Like this! Some chips came in my nails and all this happened in like 10 minutes. I fixed my nails, went to work, came at work, took my gloves off, on both my hands there was a nail just naked. And during work it started to chip and just fly off like crazy! In my lunch break I bought a bottle of nail polish remover and decided to take off those last sad pieces.

There could be 2 reasons why this happened;

  1. New base-/topcoat. Sally Hansen's No More Breaks. Usually I would pay € 9,00 for it, but got it for € 0,50. Why not try?
  2. I wore these fake nails last week. Could be the glue?
So I'm going naked a while.

This last picture is the blue polish I wore under BeYu 209. Hema Nailpolish 08. Nail polish isn't 1 word, right? Because the bottle says Nailpolish, but my spell check says it's nail polish :P

Great that you made it to the end of this post! I said I have 2 bottles of BeYu 209 and as soon as I hit 150 followers I'm doing a giveaway including one of those bottles :)

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Ingie

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January 23, 2012

Tie Dye Nails

I didn't want the word 'attempt' in the title again, but it is an attempt xD Just like my water marble nails this is my first time trying this. I never thought it would be easy, but while doing this I was like; Hell yeah! I got skills! But that was only when I applied the white base color.

On the left finger I used just 2 colors. Color Club's Pucci-Licious and Color Club's Warhol. On the right finger I used Color Club's Warhol, Wham! Pow! and Almost Famous, Catrice's Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy and I don't remember what blue I used :P

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Ingie

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January 22, 2012

O.P.I. - Excuse Moi!

Excuse moi, but the color isn't 100% accurate. Sorry!

Hello! Today I have a sexy polish to show you! After a few days of naked nails, because I was sick I felt like I needed something on my nails again. Because of the fact this is a glitter polish I hadn't wore this one yet.

It's O.P.I.'s Excuse Moi from the Muppets collection! When Nory and I did our second swap she asked which one of this collection I would like to have. I picked this one and she got it for me!

Excuse Moi! is a sheer pink based polish with large pink and silver glitters along with micro pink and silver glitters. I remember when I was looking for swatches of these polishes Scrangie said;

...with tiny silver and pink microglitter accented by medium round multicolor glitter. There's silver, yellow, red, orange, green, pink and blue.

Mine is just pink and silver, that's it. The silver glitters do color different sometimes, because of things around it. It's kinda like a mirror :P Just because I don't see those rainbowy glitters in it doesn't make it less gorgeous :)

- - - - - - - - - - EDIT - - - - - - - - - -

In the middle of the night, when it was dark and I had the light of my iPod, I discovered the rainbowy glitters. I think it's just the lighting that makes you see those colors. The next morning, with light in my room, I noticed only purple and pink glitters. Different lighting equals different glitter :)
- - - - - - - - - - EDIT - - - - - - - - - -

Do you own any of the Muppets collection? If not, which one do you want to have?

xoxo Ingie

January 20, 2012

Tag: 11 Questions

I don't know if there was any logo for the 11 questions tag,
so I made this one ;p

The past week I got a lot of blog awards, but I just haven't got the chance to do it. Yesterday I got tagged for a tag I haven't seen around before. Joan from Lovelystuff (Dutch Beautyblog) tagged me for '11 Questions'.

Rules for this tag:
  • You must post these rules.
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  • You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  • Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
  • No tag backs.
  • No stuff in the tagging section about 'you are tagged if you are reading this'. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
11 things about me.
  1. I love to tell my dreams! Sometimes things are normal in the dream, but would be the weirdest thing in real life. Also, I love to hear other peoples dreams for the same reason.
  2. I love almost everything that smells like vanilla. Recently I found out that a lot of people actually hate it.
  3. At my first full day of my work at the drugstore we were robbed. Even though that happened in May I still think about it everyday and dream about it a lot (including last night).
  4. I buy lots of things thinking I need it and when I get home I feel guilty, because I don't really need it. Then I make myself feel better because I do need it... someday!
  5. I think I care more for animals than people.
  6. I am terrified of balloons and clowns. The fear of balloons actually came after a dream about a balloon that popped in front of me and I felt the air from it... It's really weird, but they just freak me out!
  7. In my head I make plans to clean my room and make it all look nice and neat and organized, but whenever I want to start I give up.
  8. This year it will be 3 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer, but I'm cured and happy to be on this earth.
  9. Nobody is aloud to pour me a drink. Not my mom, dad, brothers, friends. For some reason I think they spit in it... Kinda the same with food, but since I can't cook I have to accept my mom makes it.
  10. I have a really bad eyesight; 3 years ago it was 45% and I was convinced it wasn't that bad since I could see pretty well. Until I got my contact lenses and a whole new world opened for me.
  11. I'm not that gullible, but whenever I see it's 11:11 I do make a little wish. Just because it might work.
And now the 11 questions Joan gave the people she tagged.

  1. What goal haven't you reached yet, but you do want to reach in your life?
    - Loose like half of my weight. Yeah, I'm a big girl, but losing weight? Never happened!
  2. How much time do you spend daily on your appearance (as well as clothing, (skin)care and make-up)?
    - Like 20 minutes I think. But it totally depends on what I'm going to do.
  3. If you could choose to spend € 1,000 on 1 category, what category would you choose? 1. Home decoration supplies. 2. Beauty stuff. 3. Clothes. And what would you buy?
    - I would go for the first one. I don't translated it the right way I think, but I think that is what she meant. I would use that money for my room. My room is really small, so I would kinda replace things to make my room look bigger. One thing I know I would buy is a flat screen tv :P
  4. What is the most precious thing you own (an object) and why?
    - Well, I don't really have jewelery or things with a meaning from an old family member or stuff like that. But to answer the question; my iTouch! It's 3 years old now and being crappy, but I listen to music when I go to sleep and it's just the most perfect thing xD
  5. Who are you admiring and why (could be someone you know, but could also be a celebrity)?
    - I don't really know. I always admire strong people. So it's not really just 1 person :)
  6. If you could re-experience a beautiful moment from your past, what moment would that be and why?
    - School camp when I was 11. I just had the best time of my life that week!
  7. What is at the moment your favorite song?
    - Daniel Merriweather - Impossible
  8. Are you more of a morning person or a night person?
    - Night person! With my job before this one I had to begin at 2 pm or 4:30. So I started living after work :P
  9. If you had the chance to go on a journey around the world right now, would you (be able to) do it? Why?
    - Honestly, I really don't know. I have a few reasons to say yes, but also a few reasons to say no.
  10. What is your favorite drink? As well as with (if you drink alcohol) and without alcohol.
    - If I ever go out (which is actually never) I would just drink energy drinks. I don't drink alcohol, because I just don't like anything :P
  11. Can you cook? If yes, what is your specialty?
    - No ;p I. Can. Not. Cook! I tried a few times, but everytime I do something I'm scared I get burned or just start a fire. Even when I make a pizza I have to ask my mom every single time how the microwave works...
Here are my 11 questions for the people I tag:
  1. If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do in your last living hours?
  2. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
  3. What brings back childhood memories?
  4. What is your favorite nail polish brand and what color from that brand?
  5. What country would you like to visit?
  6. When you're alone, do you sing and pretend you can actually sing?
  7. Do you have a guilty pleasure? If so, what is it?
  8. Do you have weird habits?
  9. Have you ever done something that you later regret?
  10. Do you have a favorite perfume?
  11. How would you like to spend your most relaxing day?
And my last list of 11's, the 11 people I tag;

Bebe from A Sleepy Beauty
Jenn from All That Is Gorgeous
Jenni from Gold Speck Nails
Ivana from Ivana Thinks Pink
Laura from Laura's Lacquers
Shannara from Nails And Stuff
Maria from Nails Made Simple
Iris from Polish Amor
Bridget from Polish, and Make-up, and Cars, Oh My!
Melissa from Swatch Me Now
Stephanie from The Polish Diary

Thanks for reading this super long post! :P

xoxo Ingie

January 19, 2012

First Water Marble Attempt

I'm home sick today, so I had time to try this out. I failed big time, but I like the 'design' on my pinky! :)

I used a white base color, but I think black would've been better. Here's a list of polishes I used:
China Glaze - Snow
China Glaze - Ahoy!
Color Club - Alias
Golden Rose Holographic - 110

I would say thanks for reading, but there isn't much to read in this post :P

xoxo Ingie

January 16, 2012

Color Club - Revvvolution

After my swatch of Worth The Risque (no holo :( ) I wanted to go for a Color Club polish that IS holographic. I still don't know if there are 'failed' bottles from some polishes, but it's not the worst thing on this world, right?

Revvvolution is not like rainbow holographic, but more orange/yellow, green, blue. Maybe it just looks like that because the polish is black. Nevertheless the holo is very visible in real life and it's just gorgeous!

I'm not sure yet if I'm posting everyday the upcoming days, because I have to work from like 8 to 7, so I'm probably dead by the end of the day :P

Also, I wanted to know if I should do my posts in 2 languages (English and Dutch) I'm not sure myself yet, but please fill in my survey on the side :)

xoxo Ingie

January 15, 2012

Color Club - Worth The Risque

I have some Color Club holo's and wanted to swatch those for you. Today I have Worth The Risque. When I didn't have this one yet and saw swatches I had to have it. Well, I have it, but mine isn't holographic :(

When you just see the bottle you see there is no holo in it, which was kinda disappointing. But I have to say I still find it kind of a nice polish. It's silver with like white and grey glitters, I guess?

On some of these pictures you might be able to spot a little bit of holo, but that's just because of the flash of my camera.

If you have Worth The Risque, is your version holographic or not? On my old blog I was able to capture how holographic my bottle of Fashion Addict is and someone said that hers wasn't as holographic. Could it be there are different versions of some polishes?

Color Club - Fashion Addict!

xoxo Ingie

January 14, 2012

Pink Ombre Nails + Graffiti Nail Art

Okay, I know 99,9% of the people is totally over crackle polish. I belong to that 0,1% that still tolerates it :P I'm not into the black and white crackles, but I really wanted to check out the Golden Rose Graffiti Nail Art crackles. A few weeks ago I ordered 2 and this is one of them. It's number 10.

A few days ago I showed you my Pink Ombre Nails and when I wanted to refresh my manicure for the next day I thought it was time to finally try out the crackles.
Number 10 is a shimmery pink crackle polish. When you apply it on your nails it starts crackling pretty fast with gaps not to small or too big. It dries matte, which looks really ugly. When you apply the topcoat the shimmer starts sparkling and looking pretty :P

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Comments are highly appreciated. They're motivating me to show more on here. I know my nails aren't perfect, but still :)

xoxo Ingie

January 13, 2012

Shoplog: Bought Past Week :)

When putting all the stuff together I was kinda speechless... I bought so much this week! Working at a drugstore is a kill for my wallet...

Where I work we now have a sale going on. Some things have to make place for new products. Two weeks ago the sale started with 30% off on everything with a pink sticker. This week everything with a pink sticker is 50% off. Next week only the clothing with a pink sticker is 75% off. So in case you live in Holland and there is a Trekpleister/Kruidvat near you, you now know ;p

- 2 x HerĂ´me S.O.S. Handgel
Was: € 4,99
Now: € 1,50
Saved: € 6,98

- 2 x Avril Lavigne Black Star eau de parfum 30ml
Was: € 25,00
Now: € 5,00
Saved: € 40,00

- Hugo Boss Deep Red eau de parfum 30ml
Was: € 34,95
Now: € 7,25
Saved: € 27,70

I think the Photo Finish Foundation and the Skin Finish weren't bought the past week, but I didn't pay full price anyway.

- Catrice Bohemia Definition Bronzer (I don't even wear bronzer........)
Was: € 3,99
Now: € 1,00
Saved: € 2,99

- Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer - Plum Play With Me
Was: € 2,49
Now: € 1,25
Saved: € 1,24

- Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer - Purplelized
Was: € 2,49
Now: € 1,25
Saved: € 1,24

- Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer - I Wear My Sunglasses At Night
Was: € 2,49
Now: € 1,25
Saved: € 1,24

I already have those last 2, but since they're leaving the collection I felt like I needed them :P

2x Cotton pads, 2x nail polish remover with aceton, 2x Dove GoFresh Energizing Grapefruit & Lemongrass Scent

These products weren't on sale, except for the Dove deodorants. All Dove products were 50% off 1 day last week, so I bought 2. I don't remember the price though.

Masks! I never really take the time for this, but since they were so cheap I had to buy it off course :P

- 3 x Dr. van der Hoog masks
Was: € 2,05
Now: € 0,50
Saved: € 4,65

- Dr. van der Hoog Hydro Mud(?) Mask
Was: € 1,79
Now: € 0,38
Saved: € 1,41

2 Pillowcases, Mentos Breeze chewing gum, post-its, Therme shower cream

This stuff wasn't on sale, but I needed some of it. Especially the Therme Zen White Lotus Bath & Shower. I. am. in. love with the Zen White Lotus stuff from Therme. The pack of gum is empty by the way :P

And a pillow. I actually bought 1 of these last week as well when it was 30% off. They once were € 15,00 and now I payed for 1 € 7,00 and for the other one € 5,00. I'm going to clean my room, take a long shower, use a mask and chill on my new pillows :P

So, like I said; working at a drugstore is a kill for my wallet. I know for sure that when I wouldn't work here, I wouldn't even go out to buy it. I probably wouldn't even know about the sale! So yeah, I've spend way too much money on things I probably don't really need.

Do you do that too? Buy something, because you might need it sometime? :P Let me know! Oh, and I hope you like a shoplog thing. My nails are chopped down now (I still blame Back Alley Deals!) so I can't really show my nails at the moment xD Sorry for the long post! I hope I don't bored you :P

xoxo Ingie