April 28, 2012

Pastel Rainbow Nails

Hello today! :) Sorry for neglecting my blog. I got a new phone the other day and I've been playing with it a lot! I love it!

Today I'm showing you my pastel rainbow nails. I did this 6 days ago to wear it on Monday, but in the morning I decided I didn't want it. So I had to do my nails really quick :P Just because I didn't wore it out to work doesn't mean I don't like it. I really do like it!

I used 6 colors, but I think that was 1 too many. Also the green that I used didn't really fit the other pastels. It was kind of a dirty green. For the image I used Konad image plate m57 again, which is obviously my favorite ;p

I have a question for you now. Would you like a Catrice swatch month? I have so many Catrice polishes that I haven't shown here yet. The month isn't going to be filled with just swatches of course :P Just let me know down below.

Thanks for reading :)

xoxo Ingie