Again a new layout... I'm as changing as the weather! But I have a new mani for you today. It's really simple and I love it!

I started with 2 coats of Milani's HD followed by a coat of Kaleidoscope from Wet 'n Wild. I believe I got both bottles from Iris from Polish Amor, but it could also be from Nory from Fierce Make Up & Nails. Since I mentioned in my yesterday's post that Wild At Heart might be good for stamping, so I tried stamping with it today.
I think it works pretty good for stamping, but it kinda loses it holographic effect. With HD and Kaleidoscope in this mani it's not really big of a deal, since these are pretty holographic already, but I can't say how well it would look without a holographic polish under it.
It was pretty hard to capture all the holo going on, but in real life it just looks so good! At first I thought HD would be a dupe for Color Club's Worth The Risque, but that one isn't holo at all... I used Konad image plate m59 for the bow and m79 for the dots.
What do you think of this mani? Yay or nay? :P
xoxo Ingie